
The Fountain

Life Within a Doomsday Cult



Part 1:

Fire in the Valley


They called themselves W.K.F.L Fountain of the World. It stood for Wisdom, Knowledge, Faith and Love.


Established in California in 1948 by a man calling himself Master Krishna Venta, The Fountain was a doomsday cult that earned national and international recognition.

The Fountain was active until December 1958, when two former cult members strapped themselves with dynamite and killed Krishna Venta along with themselves and seven others.

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“Ye who enter here enter upon Holy Ground”


Nestled in the Box Canyon between San Fernando Valley and Simi Valley, the Fountain Headquarters was 23 acres of peaceful land hidden behind oak trees.

Brush fires are extremely common in the area. During the summer of ‘53, Master Krishna Venta and his disciples fought several brush fires that sprung up in the area

Brush fires are extremely common in the area. During the summer of ‘53, Master Krishna Venta and his disciples fought several brush fires that sprung up in the area

According the some sources, the cult accidentally started a brush fire by improperly disposing of glass bottles.

According the some sources, the cult accidentally started a brush fire by improperly disposing of glass bottles.


An aerial view of the W.K.F.L. Headquarters in Simi Valley

Bishop Nekona (L) and Sister Muriel (R)

Bishop Nekona (L) and Sister Muriel (R)


Colloquially they were often called The Barefooters for their commitment to being barefoot. Master Krishna Venta instilled this practice in an effort to ground his followers.

Brother Asaiah and Sister Nekona

Brother Asaiah and Sister Nekona

Sister Marilyn

Sister Marilyn


They were also distinguishable for the bonnets the women wore and the beards the men grew, as well as their robes.

The adults’ formal attire bore the W.K.F.L. patches.

Children could often be seen in striped pajamas.

Priest Samuel

Priest Samuel


Standard Air Lines Flight 897R was a domestic passenger flight between Albuquerque, New Mexico and Burbank California. On July 12th, 1949, the flight crashed in the Simi Hills, killing 35 of the 48 passengers and crew on board.


Warning: Some images may be disturbing

Master Krishna Venta (L) and his closest confidant, Priest Paul (R) can be seen carrying a body from the crash site with two volunteers.

Master Krishna Venta (L) and his closest confidant, Priest Paul (R) can be seen carrying a body from the crash site with two volunteers.


W.K.F.L. were among the first to arrive and offer assistance, earning them both national and international attention.

Many of the cult members had been nurses, and within their compound they had first aid classes and resources.

Though locals had known about the Barefooters in the Valley, this was their first true exposure on a national scale. Master Krishna Venta took to the spotlight well.


Capitalizing on the attention, Master Krishna Venta began to go on lecture tours across the country and around the world in an effort to recruit followers. It was easy to attract attention, with his long hair and beard, barefeet and mysterious beautiful wife. People all over the world wanted to know: who was this man?


Part 2:



Francis Herman Pencovic was an orphan, convicted burglar and theif. He had a wife and children, but that didn’t prevent him from persisting in his criminal delinquency. After spending some time in a chain gang and a brieft stint in the army, Pencovic abadnoned his family, changed his named to Master Krishna Venta (MKV) and proclaimed himself the host vessel for Christ Everlasting.


He told his followers he descended from the planet Neophrates. Krishna Venta proclaimed that the wold was coming to an end, torn asunder by a cataclysmic race war.

He claimed to be Christ returned to Earth to gather 144,000 elect to be saved.

The followers of his cult were convinced of his divinity. They believed he performed miracles, and witnesses claim that he raised a cat from the dead.


His Wife, Mother Ruth, was often described as kind and affectionate. It is unclear how the two met, however together they had six children. With her warm personality she served as a goodwill ambassador for the cult along with her husband.

The Fountain and it’s leader enjoyed the attention from the outside world. They welcomed guests and visitors to their Simi Valley headquarters. In public Master Krishna Venta was charming, mysterious, and appeared both otherworldly and intelligent.

Within the privacy of the cult however, MKV could be a cruel and spiteful leader.


Former cult members described fasting for days on end at their leaders command.

At times, he would threaten that he could sense “antagonism”.


The cost of entry was to sacrifice all your worldly possessions to the cult.

Former members also described being put through “spiritual tests” to measure their faith. The details of which remain obscure.


“Each marriage was 'spiritual', so you could also be married to someone in the 'outside world', as long as you didn't visit them for any 'sins of the flesh'.”

Many of his followers came from battered women’s shelters. They would come with their children and The Fountain would offer a safe place, food, clothing, and community. Disillusioned men would join bringing their wives and family.

MKV would dictate unions between his followers. Pairing up and marrying couples at his own discretion.

One of these pairings was the marriage between Brother Elzibah and Sister Neria.

MKV Officiating the wedding of Brother Alvin and Sister Barbara

MKV Officiating the wedding of Brother Alvin and Sister Barbara


Part 3:

The Diary


Brother Elzibah and Sister Neria were married March 29th, 1955.


Neria (R) with her son Aaron

Neria (R) with her son Aaron

Neria was a nurse, and had been with The Fountain for some time. She had joined the cult with her mother, Sister Helena. Her mother had kept a diary that she would eventually inherit and maintain. This diary chronicled Neria’s life and times within The Fountain.


Almost a year before her marriage, she gave birth to her son, Prince Aaron.

Elzibah;s signature on a cement design at the W.K.F.L. Headquarters.

Elzibah;s signature on a cement design at the W.K.F.L. Headquarters.

Brother Elzibah, real name Peter Duma Kamenoff, was one of MKV’s oldest friends and an original founder of The Fountain.


Three days after the wedding of Neria and Elzibah, on April 1st, Helena writes in her diary:

‘Prince Aaron was presented to MKV as First Fruit of the Aaronic Priesthood’

Brother Elzibah (L) with MKV (C) and another cultist.

Brother Elzibah (L) with MKV (C) and another cultist.


The details or meaning of this ritual remain unexplained.

As time went on, Brother Elzibah grew disillusioned with MKV. During this time, rumors spread that Krishna Venta took advantage of his followers wives. The resulting tension lead to several members leaving the cult, including Elzibah

However, Neria refused to follow her husband. Devoted as she was to MKV, she elected to stay behind with their son.


On December 10th, 1958 Peter Kamenoff and another former cultist strapped themselves with dynamite and blew up the W.K.F.L. headquarters.


Part 4:

Mass Murder”


The bombers killed themselves, Master Krishna Venta, and seven other people.

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The explosion happened around 2 a.m.

Witnesses recounted an argument. Kamenoff had returned to the compound to confront MKV. It is possible that Elzibah had returned for his wife and son. People described shouting, yelling, and then the eruption.

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“[We] just wanted to clean up the mess, but we had to wait for the authorities to finish their job of finding body parts.”

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Authorities including the FBI arrived within hours. The fire burned till morning, and the survivors could do little but watch the flames.

Those that were there described a scene of “mass murder”.

Authorities discovered a confession tape left behind by Kamenoff and his accomplice, Ralph Muller.

In the confession Kamenoff expressed his frustration and anger with MKV.

He also expressed his undying love for his son, Prince Aaron.


Those Lost

Francis Herman Pencovic, 47 yo

Ethyl Rey, 58 yo

Anna Noga, 65 yo

Martin Baker, 40 yo

Keela Baker. 7 yo

Gene Shanafelt, 40 yo

Jane Shanafelt, 37 yo

Elwyn James, 11 months

Peter Duma Kamenoff, 42 yo

Ralph Muller, 33 yo


Part 5: Wisdom, Knowledge, Faith, Love


With the death of Venta Krishna and the destruction of the headquarters, The W.K.F.L. Fountain of the World splintered in scattered sects across the country.

Neria and her son retreated with other surviving cultists to a homestead in Alaska.

The homestead was an old project MKV started before his death, and together the survivors tamed the land and built a home.

Neria the on her wedding day

Neria the on her wedding day

Aaron on the homestead

Aaron on the homestead


Neria having lost both her husband and her spiritual leader was left to raise Aaron alone. She would eventually remarry, raising her son on the Alaskan homestead.

Over time, the survivors would shed their bonnets and robes and returned to mainstream life.

Over time, the survivors would shed their bonnets and robes and returned to mainstream life.


The Fountain lived in some sense. Different sects kept different aspects and teachings of the cult alive as long as they could.

Sister Nekona tried to keep The Fountain alive, leading her own draconian sect for nearly twenty years.

Other followers followed their own path, trying to walk in MKV’s footsteps as best they could.

But it was never again the unified religion it had been before MKV’s death.

Brother Asaiah went on to be a spiritual leader himself, without constructing a cult around himself.

Brother Asaiah went on to be a spiritual leader himself, without constructing a cult around himself.


All that was left for the survivors was to begin their lives anew.


The Fountain




The Diary of Sister Neria, Sister Neria

• Fisher, J. Stargate: The Twins. http://www.stargatethetwins.com/Krishna-Venta.org/

• Sutherland, S. My Search For Krishna Venta. 17 Nov. 2008, http://krishnaventa.blogspot.com/

Krishna Venta. 13 Apr. 2013, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Krishna_Venta

• Meares, H. A 1950s Suicide-Bombed SoCal Cult Became a Precursor to Manson. 16 Sept. 2016, https://www.laweekly.com/arts/a-1950s-suicide-bombed-socal-cult-became-a-precursor-to-manson-7563031.

• Interviews, intimate conversations, and discussions with survivors, investigators, and witnesses.